(08) 81320006 [email protected]

Systems are made up of tangible pieces. They often run on complicated hardware configurations, using delicate communication cables and software that have their own rules and rigid error processes.

As the size of a business increases, so does the computer system being used, and although the basic principles of the system remain the same, sheer scale means the chances of something going wrong also increase. Computer systems are linked with the core processes of the company, so when they fail, every part of the business will feel the aftereffects.

Control Z offers any service you require to repair your computer and get it running at its best capacity. When your computer systems fail, your business starts losing money. That’s why our services are both affordable and fast.

As well as computer repair our team offers:

  • IT Support
  • Remote Desktop services
  • Cloud Computing
  • Network Provision and Support
  • Server Upgrades and Support
  • Business ICT
  • Computer Repairs

Accountability, reliability and affordability are our core focus, and our promise to you is to bring these qualities with us to every job we complete.

As an Adelaide based IT organisation covering all areas of software maintenance and repair, we are able to offer services from Adelaide quickly either via remote or onsite support.

We always recommend our customers establish a technical point of contact for computer based repairs. This is an attractive option for a number of reasons. Firstly, we will be able to diagnose the root cause of faults with our specialised knowledge of hardware, software, and networking systems. For any recurring issues Control Z will follow the ITIL model to secure a permanent incident resolution.

At Control Z IT is our passion. Our hardworking team are available at any time to help no matter what the issue. We will provide you with a fully functional, efficient network. By properly managing your IT systems your business processes will become both faster and smoother.