(08) 81320006 [email protected]

In the last decade, there have been rapid changes in the IT departments of small businesses. Businesses are cutting costs and staff to stay lean and competitive, and keeping a regular IT unit is no longer viable for most organisations. Many companies are choosing to switch to outsourcing their IT in SA. Outsourcing allows businesses to counter rising costs while still receiving the expertise, maintenance, and support of your IT infrastructure offered by necessary IT systems.

Control Z has an outsourcing base in SA that assists customers with the automation of end user services, upgrading of old legacy systems, the automation of process, and much more. Our main focus is on providing the best in IT outsourcing solutions. We focus on creating a strong, supportive, business-client relationship. Our outsourcing services include IT Support, Remote Desktop Service, Cloud Computing, Spyware Removal, Network Provision and Support, Server Upgrades and Support, Business ICT, and Computer Repairs.

By outsourcing your IT department, you are cutting unnecessary costs and keeping your business lean and strong, while gaining all the expertise a fully-focused IT department can bring to an organisation. Our highly-trained IT consultants can offer assistance with databases, networking, development, and support. Our tight-knit team have many years’ experience in helping our clients adopt the right technologies. Our focus is on enabling profit and streamlining business processes so you can focus on the most essential parts of your business process, and let us take care of the rest.

Control Z’s outsourced IT department offer support packages in updating software and supporting, maintaining, and extending business systems.

With our services, we offer full documentation of any work we complete. We have a policy of complete honesty and believe in keeping our clients updated on any progress we make. By turning to an outsourced IT department for your IT needs, you are saving yourself money, and at the same time, gaining a team with a huge amount of knowledge and experience.

Contact us today and experience the huge benefits of using an outsourced IT department focused on delivering you the best results for your business today.